Conference abstract

Technological innovations and digital solutions for an effective and more efficient response to future epidemics and other health emergencies: descriptive study

Pan African Medical Journal - Conference Proceedings. 2023:18(187).03 Oct 2023.
doi: 10.11604/pamj-cp.2023.18.187.2170
Archived on: 03 Oct 2023
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Keywords: Innovative, tools, technologies, response, epidemic
Oral presentation

Technological innovations and digital solutions for an effective and more efficient response to future epidemics and other health emergencies: descriptive study

Nomo Honoré1,&

1Université de Yaoundé, Yaoundé, Cameroun

&Corresponding author

Introduction: COVID-19 pandemic is one of the evidences of our vulnerability to epidemics. Surveillance is vital for early identification, but the population dynamics coupled with the diversity of pathogens, compromises our ability to scale up such efforts. Innovative technologies and digital solutions are necessary to enable informed public health decisions. This review presents tools and digital advances for the detection and surveillance of agents with epidemic potential, aimed to ensure effective response to future epidemics

Methods: we performed a literature search for articles through the electronic database PubMed, Cochrane Reviews, Google Scholar, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, and WHO publication websites, using combinations of the search terms “innovative”, “technologies”, “event-based surveillance”, “detection”, “response”, “epidemy”, and “pandemic” with no restrictions on time-period or country. Title/abstracts and full texts were screened and extracted data were synthesized thematically.

Results: several innovative tools including high throughput technologies such as DNA microarrays and multiplexed, the Bead-based flow cytometric assay, the Metagenomic method by comparing virulence threats to the available genomic database, degenerate PCR, the MALDI-Based Mass Spectrometry, the multiantigen sequence typing, the multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis, the polyclonal antibody reaction and Biosensor devise that detect early physiological changes. Digital solution: Outbreak response tools, proximity tracing tools, symptom tracking tools, and software like the MinKOW app, iGenomic app, Epic system, COCA, HAN Alerts, and TraceTogether app, were identified. Internet-based surveillance (HealthMap, VOXIVA, ALERTA) was also identified as a crucial informative database for outbreaks.

Conclusion: this review explored innovative tools for a better response to epidemics. We found several new diagnostic technologies and advances in digital solutions that enable us to overcome future health emergencies. Technologies evolve allowing for the development of more sophisticated surveillance methods and more accurate predictive models. However, collaboration between all stakeholders around the One Health approach involved in infectious disease surveillance is vital to the timely detection and response to novel threats and new epidemics.